Understanding Your Deductibles Before Disaster Strikes
When the sun is shining, few people pay attention to how their homeowner’s insurance policy works. Take time to understand how your deductible works to prevent unpleasant and unexpected financial surprises before potential disasters strike.
The Difference Between Market Value and Replacement Cost
A home’s market value and its insurance value, or replacement cost, are two completely different things, and it is important for homeowners to recognize the difference.
If a Tree Falls, is it Covered?
Trees can cause considerable property damage during storms and you may not be covered in every situation. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about trees and insurance.
What to Do if a Tree Falls on Your House
Whether it was caused by root rot, strong winds or floods, there’s a series of steps you’ll need to follow to get your property back to normal if a tree falls on your house.
What to Do When Your Windshield is Damaged
Windshields are one of your vehicle’s most important safety features but when it gets a crack or chip, what should you do?