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Defensive Driving Tips

At Farm Bureau Insurance safety is very important, and we would like to provide you with a few defensive driving tips which can save lives and reduce insurance costs for all drivers.

Beginning Teenage Drivers

Teenage drivers have the highest crash risk per mile traveled, compared with drivers in other age groups. Here are a few tips to prevent and protect your teenage drivers on the road.

Auto Accidents: What Should I Do?

At Farm Bureau Insurance we want to make sure all South Carolina auto insurance customers are prepared and know exactly what to do in the event they are in a car accident.

Tractor Safety

The contribution tractors have made to farming is immeasurable, but unfortunately they also account for 60 percent of farm fatalities. Use these safety tips to prevent tractor accidents.

Slow Moving Vehicle Responsibilities

Follow these 10 safety tips to prevent slow moving vehicle accidents. Plus, learn your responsibilities as the operator of a slow moving vehicle.