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Creating A Farm Equipment Inventory

Consider how long it has taken to acquire all of the equipment necessary to keep your farm operational and the amount of money you have invested in equipment. If a disaster were to strike, could you easily provide an updated equipment list with model...

How to Create a Wildfire Resistant Exterior

Building materials and design play a significant role in determining the amount of exposure a structure can endure before catching fire. Below are some guidelines to follow to create a wildfire resistant exterior to your home or business: Use Class A...

Business Continuity Planning

What is business continuity planning? Business continuity planning is the process of preparing for interruptions to business operations. The process includes creating and validating a practiced logistical plan for how a business will recover and...

Open for Business®

At least one-fourth of all businesses that close because of a disaster never reopen. Small businesses are especially vulnerable because very few have the resources or knowledge to assess disaster risks and develop comprehensive mitigation and...

Hurricane Preparedness 101

Shutters should be a planned element of any vulnerable home. Permanent fasteners should be installed long before storm warnings, so panels can be put in place quickly and time can be spent focusing on the needs of your family and pets. Why do I need...