We appreciate your willingness to assist us in documenting your damage during this time using the steps below.
Step 1: Take Photos
We can video call, if available, to photograph the damage or you can use a digital camera, tablet or smart phone to secure photos. Please take 10 photographs of the damaged area going from far away to close-up. You will need to make sure the photographs are of good quality and depict the damage along with the surrounding areas of the damage.
Step 2: Take Measurements
Using a tape measure, please secure measurements of the rooms affected by the damage. Document the width, length and height of the room. If multiple rooms are damaged, please label each room with their appropriate measurements (i.e., Kitchen 8’ wide x 8’ length x 8’ height).
Step 3: Take Notes
Make a note of the damaged property’s age and any special concerns you have about the damage. Also, include a list of any temporary repairs you have made.
Step 4: Send Your Adjuster the Information
Send the photos, measurements, notes and/or any invoices you have to your adjuster directly by email or by emailing our
claims center at SCClaimsCenter@sfbcic.com. Please include the claim number beginning with 39P on any information sent.
Step 5: Receive the Estimate
After receiving your photos and measurements, your adjuster will prepare an estimate and send it to you. You will then present this estimate to a contractor of your choice. Any hidden or additional damage not seen in the photographs can be addressed with the contractor during the repair process.